Grammarians have sorted the words into different classes or kinds. These different classes or kinds are called parts of speech.

                                Parts of speech are the basic types of words that English language has.They make the sentence meaningful. It is important to be able to recognize the different types of words in English, so that you can understand Grammar explanations and use the right word form in the right place.

                          Let's get started.

Parts of speech:

There are eight types of parts of speech.They are:-

1. Noun.

2. Pronoun.

3. Verb.

4. Adverb.

5. Adjective.

6. Preposition.

7. Conjunction.

8. Interjection.


Definition:- A Noun is a name of a person, place, animal or thing.


Naming word is called a Noun.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Nouns:-

1. A chair is made of wood.

2. The building is very big.

3. Joe Biden is the President-elect of U.S.

4. I bought some furnitures for my room.

5. There is a big playground in front of my house.

6. The elephants are eating sugarcanes.

7. I go to school regularly.

8. He is a famous doctor.

9. The monkeys are teasing us.

10. India is my country.


Definition:- Word used instead of a Noun is called a Pronoun.


A Pronoun is a word that is used in place of a Noun.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Pronouns:-

1. This is my book.

2. I like tennis.

3. We are going to have a party.

4. The policeman had caught him.

5. That hat is mine.

6. She is a poor girl.

7. He is an honest man.

8. They are playing on the ground.

9. Our team has won the match.

10. You must do it yourself.


Definition:- Word that shows action or state of being is called a Verb.


Action word is called a Verb.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Verbs:-

1. I do my homework at night.

2. We go for outings on Sundays.

3. The cats drink milk.

4. The birds fly in the sky.

5. Muhammad guides us.

6. The horse run fast.

7. We can send messages through e-mails.

8. She had received  the parcel.

9. My mother takes care of our family.

10. The teachers teach us well.


Definition:-Word that tells more about a Verb is called an Adverb.


An Adverb is a word that tells How, When or Where an action is done.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Adverbs:-

1. Izma speaks politely.

2. Nayla writes neatly.

3. They lived there.

4. We went to the restaurant yesterday.

5. The students have read the lesson carefully.

6. They never tell lies.

7. Sometimes I watch cartoons with the children.

8. He shouted angrily.

9. Read the notice aloud.

10. My friends often give me presents.


Definition:- Word that describes the quality of a Noun or a Pronoun is called an Adjective.


Describing word is called an Adjective.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Adjectives:-

1. That was my popular post.

2. She is an innocent girl.

3. Taj Mahal is a wonderful monument.

4. I like cold coffee.

5. There are dark clouds in the sky.

6. These apples are red and sweet.

7. I don't like bitter medicines.

8. The cunning fox cheated the goat.

9. The ferocious lion was caged.

10. The king was cruel.


Definition:- Word that shows the place, position, time, source or method is called a Preposition.

                                      ' Or' 

A Preposition is a word that indicates the place, position, time, source or method.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Prepositions:-

1. The cow is sitting under the tree.

2. I found a hundred rupee note in the street.

3. I've done the payment through Google Pay.

4. We had breakfast at 9'o' clock.

5. They quarrelled among themselves.

6. The teacher was angry with Naina.

7. Are you afraid of the examinations ?

8. I waited for three hours.

9. The earth revolves around the sun.

10. The policeman ran after the thief.


Definition:- Word that joins two or more words, phrases or sentences is called a Conjunction.


Linking word is called a Conjunction.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Conjunctions:-

1. He walked hurriedly but missed the train.

2. Sara and Shifa are twins.

3. Submit the application as soon as possible.

4. I was absent yesterday because I was sick.

5. Mrs.Gupta is not only a housewife but also a social worker.

6. Sit quietly or go out of the classroom.

7. I was late for work so I had no time for breakfast.

8. We have not seen her since she left this house.

9. He asked if his brother had passed.

10. She finished first though she had begun late.


Definition:- Word or Phrase that expresses some sudden feeling or emotion is called an Interjection.


An Interjection is a word or phrase that expresses something in a sudden or exclamatory way especially an emotion.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Interjections:-

1. Alas! The emperor is dead.

2. Wow! It looks pretty.

3. Congratulations! You've finally achieved it.

4. Bravo! You did.

5. Hello! How do you do ?

6. Ouch! I got hurt.

7. My goodness! How terrible you write.

8. Oh dear! I don't know what to do about this.

9. It's time for outings.Cheerio!

10. Ahh! That feels delightful.


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